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Saturday, 7 April 2012 | 08:57 | 0 comments

assalamualaikum and hello readers ;)
first of all, omjayyy, lama gila tak buat entry kan. 
well, as usual I'm always be busy like hell yaww . 

well,for this entry I just to share about my stupid puppy love .
puppy love ? not exactly puppy love but it kinda in love :)
let start the story 

well, Im pretty sure that you guys know about my PC .
the guy who make me crazy . lol . I had write an entry about him here
so, yes I'm still stuck with him . don't ask me why ? 
that what we called 'love in the first sight' muehehe
but this entry I don't want to talk about PC but I want to share about someone
yeah someone that make me confused and guilty :| 

that guy name Z . I know him from my friend .
he really a nice guy . seriously, he's fucking caring and so sweet BUT
the fact is I'm kinda scared to be so closed with him . 
why ?
I'm not like him . seriously ! 
why must I be a hypocrite ? I hate that kind of attitude . 
well, I told him to not hoping so much and he told me to tried to be his friend but the 
thing is the way he treat me like I'm gonna be in love with him . 
damn! that make me feel guilty . 
I tried to tell him about PC as what appa said but I'm scared that he gonna
think that I'm just to make fun about his feeling -,-
but seriously, I really comfortable to be his friend . I mean 
just FRIEND but ....

that's it . that make me don't want to couple . 
I hate to be hurt or hurting someone . 
Ya Allah what supposed I do ?
should I just tell him the truth or act like nothing happen ?
I'm so confused and super duper hate it ! 
I don't want to hurt him but at the same time I don't to be such a hypocrite .

are he gonna be my friend even thought he know that I'm not like him ?
are he gonna hate me ?
are he gonna trust me ?
that such question make me scared to tell him about my feeling toward him .
the major problem is
 I'm scared that our problems gonna effect his friendship between him and appa.
pffffttttt . freaking hate this ! 

so, I decided to tell him everything .
the rest, it up to him to be my friend or not . 
pray for me guys :|

well, that's it for this entry .
p/s: sorry for the broken english :) I tried to improving my english by write my  entry in english ;)
p/s 2 : sorry if this entry so fucking boring :)

assalamualaikum . STAY AWESOME !

#MeewaaaAwesome  ;)