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I love me !
Saturday, 10 March 2012 | 10:11 | 0 comments
*I know that I'm not pretty like ya*

assalamualaikum and hello reader :)
so for this entry I want to tell ya guys about me !

okay2 . who didn't love their life ?
you, you, you ?
oh please, don't be like that . 
every human in this world has their own characteristic .
so, please just be yourself .
don't be a pretender or fakers !

Allah menciptakan umatnya berlainan . so, for what nak jadi orang lain ?
I want to tell ya. yes, I admit it that I'm not the perfect girl but
I'm also a normal girl like others . and I love being me . be different .
even people or even my own friends sometimes call me
something like Gedik, Loser, Laser Mouth, Bitch ect
but just keep calm and just ignore all of them .
they're LIFELESS ! they can't except that everyone is imperfect .

well, I know that most of people in my school hate me .
but I just ignore them . who cares ! they're just jealous of me ;P
haha . *kidding* but seriously guys just be patient if people keep hustle you
cause patient is just like a gun that kill someone that hurt you :)
and smile always because if there's a thousand of people hate you,
then they are the idiot one. why ? because Allah tidak akan membiarkan umatnya
teraniaya :) insyaAllah mereka2 itu akan dapat balasan .
jika tidak di dunia pastinya di akhirat kelak .

and lastly, if people hurt you, and ask for a forgiven, just forgive them .
Allah suka umatnya yang pemaaf :)
remember, be a girl that beautiful with brain or be a man that 
charming with a genius brain . 
assalamualaikum and bye :D

p/s : sorry for the broken english and thanks for reading .

insyaAllah next time I'll write a better entry (: