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3 F I K R A H :') *dibubarkan*
Friday 29 June 2012 | 09:26 | 0 comments
assalamualaikum and hello :)
dear reader, dah lama kan tak buat entry. 
hmm lama lah jugak.

so, for this entry I want to talk my classmate 3 F I K R A H !
seriously ? our class gonna be separate. hmm what the ?! 
how come ?! this is unfair okay. why must us? 
theres a lot of class but why our class? my class? hate this !

we start be a good classmate and love each other okay. 
we are so closed. boys and girl, we  just like sibling. 
teacher, please don't be jealous of us.  -,-

ahhhhhh.... no more Cikgu Nik handsome + cool + sporting
no more ustazah Mimi comel + yang pelupa + tapi still funny 
no more teacher Haniza that a lots of story that she always share with us
ah no more Bulat who always make a funny stupid joke, 
no more Farrhana who like to asking this and that
no more Azri who is very very annoying and sometimes funny
no more Mia who always make the class noisy
no more Iqa who always keep bully me 
no more Nadhirah and Shaza who always be our victim to being bully
no more Faruq who keep disturb me when I was alone
no more Izzat who always lepak -ing with me is I was lonely
no more Aqil who really fierce 
no more the happening 3 Fikrah ! no more them !
*some of them I didn't mention, sorry*

Ya Allah, seriously kenapa kami ?
tak suka lah. saya dah biasa belajar dengan cikgu Nik handsome tu now tetiba nak kena beajar dengan cikgu Munirah tu. tak suka lah !
nak cikgu Rahani as my KHB teacher the one who really funny !
I want my Science teacher back who said that Imma good girl in the class :p
I want Cikgu Roshafizal the cute teacher that really SEMPOIIII
I want all of them back ! PLEASEEEE cikgu Mursyiedy please
not 3 Fikrah please :(
 how could you made us like this. this is the last year for some of us
how could you ! ! !

nak buat mogok dah terlambat tapi saya teramat sangat sedih.
cikgu tahu tak yang cikgu telah memisahkan saya dan Crush saya yang comel tu ?
cikgu tahu tak yang  kami tak satu block lagi?
tahu tak yang cikgu dah melukakan hati saya ni. ni nak marah ni -,-
haihhh nasi dah jadi bubur dah meera oii.
hakikatnya saya terpaksa juga berpindah ke kelas 3 Gig's
seriously tak berapa selesa lah
mereka dah tersangat rapat so bila kiteorang masuk kat sana, mesti kiteorang akan dipinggirkan.
ahhhh nak masuk H la. dapat cikgu nik balik tapi....
ishhhhhhhhhh tak suka nya!!!!

ahhhhh okay dah lepas geram tapi hati ni still sakit sebab tak suka lah 
dear teacher please find a lot of teacher so that we can be together again. sincerely, me :)
tapi itu hanya angan angan tahi ayam je sebab sememang nya tak mungkin akan terjadi. sob sob
ahhhh redha je la. * kesat air mata*

hmmmm I don't know why this is happen to us but people said that
things happen for a reason. or sesuatu yang berlaku pasti ada hikmahnya
well, we'll see

hmm okay readers and stalker,
assalamualaikum :)

p/s : sorry for the broken english ; hihi